Accusing the company of making billions

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Accusing the company of making billions

Post by shovo633 »

Legal Battles and Regulation
The rise of companies like Rising Eagle Telemarketing prompted regulators to take a closer look at the telemarketing industry. The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) and the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) both stepped up their efforts to enforce existing regulations and introduce new ones aimed at curbing abusive practices.

In 2019, the FTC took legal action against Rising Eagle Telemarketing, of illegal robocalls. The lawsuit alleged that Rising Eagle had violated the Telemarketing Sales Rule (TSR) and the Telephone Thailand Phone Number Consumer Protection Act (TCPA). The case highlighted the growing problem of robocalls and the need for stricter enforcement of telemarketing regulations.


In response to these legal challenges, Rising Eagle made several changes to its business practices. The company pledged to comply with all relevant regulations and implemented new measures to ensure that its calls were only made to individuals who had given their explicit consent. Despite these efforts, the company's reputation had already been significantly tarnished, and it faced an uphill battle to regain consumer trust.
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