Some on-page SEO tactics include

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Some on-page SEO tactics include

Post by sadiyaayman12 »

Some on-page SEO tactics include optimizing your title tag, using your keywords in content, and improving page load time. Free Tool for On-Page SEO: 25. Off-page SEO Off-page SEO includes the actions you take outside of your site to help improve your ranking in search results. Some off-page SEO strategies include link building, guest blogging, and influencer marketing. Keep Reading: SEO Checklist for Off-Page SEO 26.

Responsive design Responsive design allows your site to adapt Student Database to whatever device your audience uses. This term is a must-know Google SEO term because it allows you to provide a positive experience for everyone who visits your site. Your site will adapt for mobile and tablet users so they can use a version of your site scaled to their device. Also, mobile-friendliness is an important ranking factor for Google.


By integrating responsive design into your website, you’ll create a more mobile-friendly site, which helps you rank in search results. Keep Reading: 10 Responsive Design Testing Tools 27. Robots.txt Robots.txt tells search engines which pages it can’t crawl on your site. It does not keep your website from appearing in Google search results. Instead, it helps businesses prevent sensitive pages, like a login portal, from appearing in search results.
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