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What’s the Best Way to Backup Your WordPress Website?

Posted: Mon Aug 08, 2022 10:04 am
by Jannat12
Nearly 14 years ago today, some of the greatest advice in the history of online publishing was dispensed. Twas May of 1999 when the chart-topping modern day philosopher Terius Gray (better known by his apt stage name ‘Juvenile’), applied his lyrical genius to the Internet, imploring website owners everywhere to “back that thang up.“ For those of you not up on the latest slang definitions, “thang,” of course, means “website.”

Despite his hyperbole, the truth Phone Number List is that you don’t need to be a “big, fine woman” or refer to Mr. Gray as “big daddy” to enjoy the benefits of one of the smartest decisions you’ll ever make with your website. You just need to be a serious website owner with a sound disaster recovery strategy, the first step of which is always having backups you can count on (and control). The best way to backup your website? So what is the best way to back your thang up? When it comes to WordPress, there are two common backup methods relied on by most site owners: A WordPress plugin. Server backups provided by a host or cPanel. These methods work okay … for the most part.


However, there are drawbacks. First, plugins are PHP-based, which is an inefficient and unreliable way to get backups. These plugins, via PHP, attempt to communicate with the server in a way that most secure Linux servers won’t allow or make very difficult … because a hacker could do the same thing. Because of this, backup plugins have to rely on fallback methods that often lead to a high failure rate. Furthermore, they generally use WordPress’ scheduler versus the Linux scheduler which can lead to reliability issues as well. This leads to a high failure rate.