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5 Keys to implement Attribution Marketing in your company

Posted: Sat Jul 30, 2022 10:37 am
by Bappy
Companies today have more marketing channels at their disposal than ever before in history, which represents great opportunities, but also great challenges. How can companies articulate their different marketing channels to build a comprehensive strategy? How do you know which are the most effective channels for your business goals? How to determine which channels and strategies have the greatest impact on conversion? In response to these questions, Attribution Marketing arises . If you do not know what this concept refers to, we will explain it to you below and we will present you with some important keys to implement it in your company. What is Attribution Marketing and what is its importance?

Keys to implement Attribution Marketing in your company Taking into account that the modern consumer uses different channels during phone database the purchase process, this has forced companies to be much more precise when it comes to measuring the results of each channel they use as part of their strategy. For example, a person may initiate a purchase process through an online search or from an ad they saw on their favorite social network, but the final transaction may end several days later at the company's point of sale or from the its own website. In the middle of this process,


the user has interacted with several channels of the company and the challenge is to be able to determine the impact of each channel on the final conversion. Attribution Marketing refers precisely to this, to identifying the relevance that each channel had in the final result in order to fully optimize the strategies and channels that we use in our company. It is important to mention that there are different Attribution Models that we can implement depending on our business model and the channels we use. The ideal is to take the models as a reference and build a custom model for our business. How to implement Attribution Marketing in your Business How to implement Attribution Marketing in your Business